The impact of Christmas has greatly changed people’s expectations about the holiday. Now it is the month of giving, the Christmas season runs throughout December. It’s the time for presents and festivities and seems to be a widespread holiday. Wherever you go during December most places will be festively decorated for the holidays. The mall, the store, schools, and many places are decorated.
Christmas stems from the religious belief of the Virgin Mary giving birth to Jesus Christ the son of God. Other religions and countries celebrate different things during December. Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday that celebrates the rededication of the second temple of Jerusalem.18 countries traditionally celebrate Hanukkah. Hanukkah is celebrated from December 18th to the 26th. It is an eight-day celebration traditionally one out of the nine candles on the menorah is lit every night. The ninth candle represents lighting the way for others. This tradition symbolizes how one day’s worth of oil lasted eight days during a battle between the Jewish and a powerful Greek army in 165 B.C.
Kwanzaa is an American and Pan-African holiday that celebrates history, family, community, and culture. Kwanzaa is traditionally celebrated in four countries and in some provinces in Canada. Kwanzaa is celebrated from December 26th until January 1st. This holiday honors African-American heritage. This holiday is a cultural holiday as opposed to a religious holiday.
Many places celebrate many different holidays, many people celebrate different things. All holidays are special times for people from all over. It’s a time to celebrate and enjoy another year. On some holidays you put up a tree or on some holidays you light candles. It is always a special time to celebrate with family and friends. So if you meet someone, say happy holidays to them to get into the festive spirit.