Helen Helps Romantic

I want to ask this girl to Winter Formal…

Helpful Helen

Dear Helpful Helen,

I want to ask this girl to Winter Formal, but I don’t know how to ask her, or how to find out if she is into girls. I don’t want to seem weird if she rejects me, but I don’t want to miss a beautiful opportunity. I think she is interested in me because every time I talk to her, she blushes and gets adorably flustered. Please help!


                A Hopeless Romantic


Dear “Hopeless Romantic,”

  Navigating through high school is an extremely difficult task within itself; finding out one’s sexuality can be really hard, especially since some people find it offensive to ask or are too afraid to out themselves.

  The easiest way to ask without embarrassing yourself (or them) a lot is to ask with a simple poster. Maybe use a small romantic gesture, such as flowers or candy, and ask them privately. That way, if it turns out bad, then you could just say it was as a friend. However, if she says yes, you get to go with a beautiful girl.

  The best thing you can do is try. I hope she keeps blushing and smiling throughout your night. Make sure to shoot me another email letting me know how it goes!


             Helpful Helen 🙂