Lucky, or Time Travelers?

“When the light dims on the truth, when we find ourself in the shadow of those who wish to control our minds that normally find it’s the Jews or the Aliens, oh yeah and that 9/11 was an inside job.” -Edward L. Bernays (Edward Louis Bernays was an Austrian-American pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda, referred to in his obituary as “the father of public relations”)

Alyssa Greenway, Journalist

 Conspiracy theories are a worldwide view on things that distracts from the reality that they don’t want to believe. Conspiracy theorists are people who often produce hypotheses that contradict the prevailing understanding of history or simple fact.

  There are some far-fetched theories that are very unbelievable, but then there are the ones that make sense and make you think, “Is that possible?” A few conspiracies that are unbelievable are, the Beatles never existed, Hitler is still alive, the Moon doesn’t exist, and Dinosaurs helped build the pyramids. Then there are the ones that seem like a possibility like, the Moon landing never happened, 9/11 was an inside job, and even that humans are in a simulation like the movie The Matrixs.

  Over the course of time, many television shows have predicted events months or even years before they have even happened. Many say people time travel; others say it was just a mere coincidence. If that was the case, why are there so many shows that have predicted several historical events?

  One of the biggest predictions from a show is the Simpsons predicting Trump would become president in an early 2000’s episode. In the episode, Bart gets a chance to see into his future, and learns that he is, predictably, kind of a deadbeat then it shows Trump elected as president.

  Another big show conspiracy is The Lone Gunman aired March 2001 and predicted 9/11 months before it had happened. The episode followed characters Byers, Frohike and Langley as they tried to prevent a government-sanctioned attack designed to boost gun sales across the country killing hundreds of people. This seems believable because many people were scared of this “terrorist” attack and began to by thing in case this happens again in order to protect them.

  Star Trek is another show that predicted that man was going to land on the Moon two months before it had happened. The Enterprise crew traveled back in time, where their ship is mistaken for a UFO and during the episode, character Uhura picks up a distant radio frequency from NASA, which mentions something about a manned mission to the moon getting ready to depart Cape Kennedy that Wednesday and then two years later, Apollo 11 departed for the moon. Sure, they could have predicted this based off of facts, but it’s still crazy being that this was a very old show from 1967.

  The last conspiracy theory in a show is Scrubs, which predicted Osama Bin Laden’s hideout. In a 2006 episode, J.D. pulls up facts about the war in Iraq in order to impress his friends, but when no one else wants to discuss the current events with him, the janitor steps in and remarks that they should be looking for Bin Laden in Pakistan. Even though he didn’t know the exact coordinates it still gave the area of where he could be found. In 2011, U.S. forces finally tracked Bin Laden down and he was, just as the janitor predicted, in Pakistan; thus, showing that this show was indeed correct.

  These may all be very well just a coincidence, but how could many shows, and conspiracy theorist predict events before they have even happened.

  There are very many people that believe in the strange phenomenon on Earth and believe conspiracies but one of the well-known is Shane Dawson who is a famous Youtuber. He goes deep into theories and explains what they mean whether they are believable or if it’s an actual possibility              

  The world is full of unknown mysterious and unexplainable things but humans merely link to anything that has a believable cause. We will never know what’s truly real and what’s a mere hallucination within our brain is.