Death Among Us All?

“If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans. We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet.” -Stephen Hawking (an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author, and director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge.)

Alyssa Greenway, Journalist

There are many predictions that the world is going to end throughout the years. On June 24 the arrival of the “Beast” (a demon or the Devil himself) will cause havoc on our planet, and we are all going to die. Religious citizens  think it is some kind of Stargate into Hell or just summon/ create a nuclear war, but it has an alarmingly specific date.

A writer named Hal Lindsey or Harold Lee Lindsey, is an American evangelist and Christian writer who believes that Jesus is supposed to come to us this year and return to help us in need. He states in a article , “As followers of Christ, we are to live in a state of watchfulness,” which explains why we have had to wait a thousand years before so this mean he shall arrive very soon. He also states that no one knows the day nor the hour of when he will come down, but it will be sometime this year.

During the course of time from B.C. to now, everyone can say there has been several panics in the world where we “almost died” like the Mayan calendar running out, volcano from Yellowstone erupting and killing us all, or even that computers taking us over.

They think it is ridiculous because nothing ever happens and more pop up; although, no one really knows if anything will happen or not, and to take the chance of it happening is kind of scary.

There was a recent panic on a Twitter account named @strayedaway which posted a screen recording of a voicemail he received from an unknown number that sounded like a voice recording of someone repeating military code.

After many of his followers had decoded the message it came out to say, “Danger SOS. It is dire for you to evacuate. Be cautious. They are not human. SOS danger SOS” and then followed by that there was coordinates going to the coast of Indonesia right where the Malaysia flight  370 had disappeared in mid air. Since then no one has seen the 239 people aboard this flight. Some even believe the message he received was the black box recording from the plane right before it had crashed.

If that was the case, how would the recording get on his phone? It may be one of this man’s many followers playing a hoax on him to create drama and attention. Or is this the truth and someone used him as a way to tell the world?

A famous conspiracy theorist on You tube is Shane Dawson, who covered this issue that had been going around on twitter and even did an interview with @strayedaway. Dawson is 29 and lives in Los Angeles, California. He believe that this theory may be true, but also thinks that someone is just doing this to mess with everyone.

Either one is equally terrifying; however, in case this does happen, there isn’t really much we can do if aliens were to attack. The most that anyone can do is make sure you’re with your family, have food, and any weapons that would help protect you.

But at the end of the day, no one knows if they really are bad or if they actually come in peace. Just as Arthur C. Clarke was a British science fiction writer, science writer and futurist, inventor, undersea explorer who once quoted, “Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”

The world is full of endless unknown mysterious, and we may never figure them out in this lifetime but maybe, hopefully, in the future, we will. The unknown is what haunts us in our sleep rather than the known.

Below I posted the YouTube video of Dawson covering this conspiracy theory.