Cinderella International Scholarship Pageant: Experience

More than just a beauty pageant, Cinderella is a youth development scholarship program that offers many opportunities for achievement and recognition to deserving children, teens and young adults. The pageant’s high standards of excellence and principles have won the support of civic and service organizations, educators and clergy from around the world.

Courtesy of Cinderella International Scholarship Pageant

Courtesy of Cinderella International Scholarship Pageant

Courtesy of Cinderella International Scholarship Pageant

   The Cinderella Scholarship Pageant, founded in 1976 by Carl Dunn and Craig Toler, has grown into the largest and most prestigious pageant system of its kind in the world. It has set new standards of excellence in the youth pageant field.

   Cinderella is a division of International Productions & Publications, Inc. In addition, IPPI also maintains the headquarters for AAMTC (America’s Amateur Model and Talent Competition) and produces the AAMTC International Competition.
  More than just a beauty pageant, Cinderella is a youth development scholarship program that offers many opportunities for achievement and recognition to deserving children, teens, and young adults. The pageant’s high standards of excellence and principles have won the support of civic and service organizations, educators and clergy from around the world. (

Courtesy of Pahrump Valley Times

   The Cinderella pageant judges its contestants on casual wear, formal wear, talent, and personality. First, the competitors check themselves in with the pageant director, where they’ll get a number, then the girls get settled in with their changing rooms. Winners from previous years will assist and direct contestants throughout the competition, while also performing their talents during the gaps of the pageant.

   The participants will be led to the interview in the order of age group, Infants, Tiny tots, Prince Charmings, Tots, MiniMiss, Miss, Teen, and Woman. However, Infants, Tiny tots, and Prince Charmings have the competition earlier in the day, while Tots through Teens have their competition around noon.

   The interview is first, and the judges will ask questions like what is your ambition or describe yourself in three words. They’ll ask the entire age group in the room, and will go in order from left to right.

   Upcoming the contestants will have their age group called up to the stage to “model” their casual wear, which means walking around on stage. The candidates also get to speak in a microphone to state who they are, where they’re from, and their age. However, Teens and Women get to state their ambition as well.

   Once every contestant in an age group finishes their walk, they’re all led to make a line on stage. When everyone is lined up, special music is played, and the participants do quarter turns.

Courtesy of Cinderella International Scholarship Pageant

   Succeeding this is formal wear, where they must change into their formal wear and model again. Except for this time they don’t have to say anything.

   The talent portion is up next, so candidates have to prepare for their talent, which could include getting into a new outfit or warming up. Then they’ll be sent on stage in order of the number they were given, organized by age group.

   After, the winners will be announced for the extra categories that could allow them to win a trophy and sash. Such as best talent, best hair, best eyes, best personality, best party wear (formal wear), best smile, best casual wear, and best model, but these cost extra to enter in.

   Finally, the overall winners get called up to the stage, where the previous winners put their sash, tiara, and bouquet with the winner, along with the huge trophy that’s placed at the victor’s feet.