Modern Day Sports Behind the Mask
Covid-19 has been very detrimental to sports. Most sports have been put off or canceled and it’s been hard on everyone. After Covid hit, people began to realize how important sports were, not just for the physical aspect, but the social aspect as well.
Sports, the modern day quintessential form of battle. It is not with guns, swords, knives, ships, or tanks but it is with skills, athleticism, commitment, dedication and a warrior’s spirit.
Competition of strength, speed, balance and endurance has remained the cornerstone of athletics since even before early Roman Times. Over the centuries, athletes competed for fame and fortune and organized events were often sponsored by government leaders who touted character as one of the building blocks of athletic success.
Participation in organized sports does not guarantee personal success; however, it can help offer critical development to help promote teamwork, critical and strategic thinking, effective communications, and quite possibly leadership skills.
In a day where youth athletes receive a trophy for simply participating in a sport, the essence of character has become watered down with ideas that society has essentially degraded the need for hard work and continuous commitment to success in order to be rightfully rewarded.
If nothing else is attained, sports affords opportunity to improve physical and psychological health. Sports can help promote strength improvement, balance, speed, and overall stress relief to athletes of all ages. An example of an adverse impact of not having sports is best demonstrated by the on-going COVID-19 pandemic where many athletes have suffered emotionally and physically by being forced to the sidelines. As a result, athletes of all ages have not been able to engage in physical activity related to their respective sports.
Players wearing masks, spectators absent from the stands, parents behind fences outside of fields, COVID-19 has altered the very essence of sports enjoyment. The social aspects of competition remain distant, colder, and even unidentifiable behind masks and the cardboard cut-outs filling the seats of empty stadiums across our country. However, there is even more of an adverse social impact as players are without teams to compete against, standing further apart from teammates, and in too many cases without teams to play on.
The pandemic has also cemented the role of sports as entertainment throughout the world. While calls for re-opening our economy have been loud and clear, the call for sports was louder and clearer with no confusion as to its importance. Even former President Trump realized the importance of sports to our Country’s overall health by calling for sports at all ages to return as soon as possible as did the Olympic Committee following the postponement of the Summer Olympics.
As we watch any sport events, like the Super Bowl, pause for a moment to recognize the importance of sports. Consider the history, hard work, commitment, leadership skills, the contribution of the Roman Empire, the fans, and even the great commercials.