Around PVHS: Prom, Dancing your Masks Off
This year has been really rough and it was questionable if most of our school events were still being held, but luckily there will be a prom after all! Prom will be held at Mountain Falls for the seniors on May 5, 2021 at 6:00 pm. This event is fun for all the seniors and it lets them enjoy the time with their friends before they go off to college.
No one thought that it would happen but there will be a prom this year for the seniors! Prom will be held at Mountain Falls on May 5, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. This event is not only fun but also important for our seniors to have a good time before they go off to college.
After a lot of thought and consideration, prom is finally being held. Even though it’s still on, that doesn’t mean that COVID won’t play a toll on it. All participants and staff members will have to keep their masks on at all times even on the dance floor. Tables will have to be separated 6 feet apart with limited people per table. People will also have to keep their masks on at all times unless getting a drink or something to eat.
Mr. Williams, the head of the student council, said he has high expectations for prom. He stated “I think it is going to be a big party because everyone has been holding their breath for over a year with this pandemic and people want to let loose.” In his opinion, prom is an important event, he stated “ In some ways for some people, yes.” He especially thinks prom is important for the seniors, “I do think for seniors this event has more meaning because with the exception of graduation, it’s the last big bash before they leave high school” Williams stated.
Williams stated that “I think that we need to get back to normal at some point and this is as good a place to start as anywhere.” Williams stated one of his favorite parts about prom is “Seeing the students in a different format where most of them have taken the time to dress fancy and really indulge themselves.” Even though prom is on, there are still many things to be considered. Williams stated “ There is a chance that we will not be able to host prom in the manner we are used to due to COVID restrictions related to school events.”
I interviewed junior, Jasmine Staples, who has been helping to set up prom. When asked about how COVID has impacted the participants, Staples stated “There will either be reluctance or enthusiasm of participants, due to the fact that COVID has impacted everyone greatly. Reluctance because of the guidelines and obviously COVID but there will possibly be enthusiastic participants because of how it was last year, where there was no prom and the seniors now would want a prom in order to end their high school experience with a bang.”
Staples stated that “Depending on the amount of space in the venue, there will always be social distancing, but there will be a limited amount of people allowed prom.” As I questioned Staples about some strategies to keep everyone safe, she replied saying “1) wearing masks; 2) possibly check the temperature of attendants when entering; 3) have hand sanitizer around the venue.”
The plan to test those attending prom is when they are paying for their tickets, to question them if they have had a fever or illness prior. When the day of prom comes, they will have temperature readers to check their temperature before they enter the building.
As you can see they have put a lot of thought and effort into prom so the seniors will have a great night. We are looking forward to prom being held and hopefully COVID restrictions won’t interfere too much with the outcome.
Kaili Perry • May 6, 2021 at 8:13 PM
Is it for the juniors as well? Lovely article
adviser • May 11, 2021 at 11:54 AM
Hello! The prom is for both Juniors and Seniors. You can get more information from the front office if you need it.