First Choice Realty: A Great Choice for Real Estate
Mike Meads, the owner of First Choice Realty in Pahrump, is happy to render any of his services as a real estate agent. He and his agents are open to help customers whenever needed, or whenever works for both customers and agents.
May 12, 2021
Have you ever been looking for a place to live or a property to build on, but the prices never seemed to fit the estate’s quality? First Choice Realty can help with that! First Choice Realty is a small real estate business determined to get its customers the best prices possible. Mike Meads, one of the owners, is the business’s broker, and he enjoys his job.
Mike Meads, a real estate agent and broker with nearly 16 years of experience, says that he first got into realty for its connection to construction. He decided to get his real estate license in 2005 and helps two of his sons who own Double M Construction, Jeff and Russ Meads, with their business through real estate.
Mike’s job as a real estate agent is to list, or put up for sale, different houses, and properties for people to buy. He helps people sell their property for the right price. This all requires the proper documentation because without it there would be legal issues such as issues with who the property truly belongs to etc. Mr. Meads says, “In our contract, there are about 50 or 60 pages. It isn’t just a one-page thing, you’ve got disclosures, net sheets, descriptions of property, it entails a lot. We go through it with people and fill it out properly.” His job, along with the others who work in the same office, is to help people buy or sell houses with the proper paperwork.

The other part of Meads’ job is to advertise. He says that “In our business, we are on 60 or 70 nationwide websites. I get people from all over the country that email me and ask me about a piece of property. So it’s kind of fun. I’m learning a lot about technology.” Just with a quick google search, tons of websites can give you information on the agents that work within his office.
One of the nice things about working in real estate is the working hours. Mr. Meads says, “Being a broker, I can go to work when I want to, I can put as much time in as necessary, and we don’t have a big business, we only have 3 people with licenses working in my office. Most offices will have 25 – 30 agents, and I just don’t want that many because the broker is responsible for each agent to be sure that they have all their paperwork in and everything in because we have to keep copies for up to 5 years. They’re supposed to have everything that took place in each transaction,”. Meads says that he is not concerned about the business’s growth as “This is a fill-in business, I’m not worried about making money. But we do okay. Maybe not as well as some of the other groups in the area, but we do alright.”
The most difficult thing, Mike says, is “Dealing with people.” He says that part of his job is “Helping them to understand why their property isn’t worth a million dollars, it’s only worth $300,000. Because in reality, everybody’s home is worth more to them than anyone else and they can’t sell it for what they feel the value is, they want more value for their home than anybody is going to pay.” To help the homeowners understand this, the agents do what is called “a CMA, which is a comparison of what other houses have sold for. We type it up and give it to them and they can read it and go over it and it tells them about what their house would sell for. Now they give you a range of low price to high price because some homes are older, some homes need work, sometimes there’s problems with it or something like that, and some of them are immaculate.”
First Choice Realty does its best to give people the best offers possible, and Mr. Meads wants to let people know that “We’re here. We care. We try to get people the best price they can get.” If you are interested in his services, his phone number is 775-209-4006, or his email is [email protected]. The office can be found at 2171 Hwy 160 here in Pahrump, Nevada.