Tree Frog Art Candles Co: A local option for buying fancy candles and trinkets
Capitalizing on demand for artsy candles and pendants, Tree Frog Art Candles Co offers an aesthetically pleasing supply of those items in stunning fashion.
With the collection of candles and other artsy items becoming all the more popular in recent years, the opportunity for young, enterprising women to make money selling them has expanded. One such woman is Kaylee Hargis, a local student in Pahrump who sells candles, pendants, and other jewelry with her business venture, Tree Frog Art Candles Co.

Kaylee began the business in November of 2021, stating that she has “always been into different art forms and I thought it would be fun to make and sell candles as a little side gig.” In regards to the name of the business, her inspiration is a love of frogs, commenting “I just like frogs. I own frogs. I love them.” Her marketing strategy has been using Instagram to advertise her products, by both posting about it on her account, and asking satisfied customers to re-post her work on their own. So far, she has fulfilled around 40 orders, and has yet to receive any complaints, in addition to garnering repeat customers.

In terms of the items she sells, the candles can either be purchased as a pre-made design, or made customized to order, usually costing $12. The earrings and necklaces she sells go for $5, while rings are just $3. In addition, the pendants she sells are typically a sort of crystal attached to a necklace, but can include glitter, or even a small jar filled with dried herbs and flowers. Every item comes packaged with complimentary stickers and miniature votive candles. Her policy for custom items is $10-$12 dollars, charging an extra 2 dollars if it requires materials she doesn’t have, and the price of the stock items can be found by direct messaging the business’ Instagram page.

Kaylee’s greatest challenge with the business so far has been keeping consistent sales. “I go through periods of multiple sales all at once to dry spots,” she says. Regarding her aspirations for the future, she wishes to greatly expand her customer base and be able to earn a sizable income from the sale of her creative works.
Tree Frog Art Candles Co can be reached on Instagram @treefrogartcandlesco_ where customers can message the account for prices and make orders.