Open Campus Making Open Rules?
“Open the gates!” Welcome to The Corner of Conversation Street. This year the Campus became a bit more open for the students. How’s it working so far? Let’s find out. So stay awhile and listen.

This year our leaders at P.V.H.S (Pahrump Valley High School) gave the juniors the privilege to leave campus with the seniors. More students are leaving, allowing more space in the courtyard and the lunchroom for both lunches, as well as more food so you might be able to get what you want if you end up at the back of the line. *looks in his cup* Man, I’m out of coffee.

They made changes to help discourage people from abusing the system when leaving campus when they aren’t upperclassmen. By changing IDs for students, If your ID is maroon you can leave campus; If your ID is yellow you have to stay. When going you need to flash your student ID to the staff that stands by the door. Then, as long as you can come back on time you’re fine. If you’re late after lunch multiple times or have a lot of tradies across your record you will lose the privilege of it. Lunch detention, of course, makes you stay here. I interviewed a few juniors and senior students who seem to like it. One said, “When I can just go home for lunch it’s a lot better than the school’s food. I will take that all day” I stood at the door for a bit and asked what grade they were and a little amount was surprisingly freshmen and sophomores. So most likely staff will start IDing even if they have seen you before. Remember to keep your ID–it might save your lunch.

With the chance to leave people are using this for multiple reasons: to go eat out, go home, or vibe in the parking lot. You don’t even need a car if you live close enough you could just walk home or just walk around. As long you get back to class on time you’ll be fine. Just make sure we all make it back on time. We don’t want to lose this before the end of the year. We’ll hear more about this over the year and how it affects the school. It was nice being back on the Corner of Conversation Street again. See you guys next time.