ASVAB Testing and What It Is
Hello and welcome back to the corner of conversation street. Today I’ll be talking about the ASVAB. What is it and how will it affect you if you take it? So take a seat and stay awhile and listen.

The ASVAB or The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery is a test that is given out by the government to see where to place you. Think of it as the NWEA testing but for America. Whatever your score is they look at it telling you what you would be good at in the military to normal, everyday jobs. Asking questions about general science, arithmetic reasoning, word knowledge, shop, auto Information, and assembling objects. The test overall will take 2 hours. You can score 1 to 100 and it’s more of a ranking for your school. Higher the number the better if you score over 50 you can have 4 classes for your senior year and only seniors. The only people who can take this test is junior and seniors. If you want to sign up for the ASVAB you go to the counselor’s office and sign up on a clipboard outside of Mr. Abbiss’s office. The test will take place on Sep 19th at 8:30 in the cafeteria. Make sure you charge your Chromebook because it’s fully online. If you can’t do it don’t worry we do it twice a year and, this year they want it for each quarter. *grandfather clock goes off* Well that’s my queue to leave I have to hang with some pirates for some reason today. If I don’t see you guys again have a good morning, good afternoon, and a good night.