Should Competitive Dancing be Considered a Sport?
Dance fits the very definition of what a sport is, so why shouldn’t it be considered a sport?

Dancing takes a high level of precision and coordination to be successful. It also takes a large amount of dedication and teamwork. Competitive dancing is not all just independent work because, in the end, you and your teammates are all working towards a common goal. Many competitions have a standard that must be met at a high level, just like any other sport. Dancers can do a tremendous amount physically that many others may not be able to do like body control, leg extensions, flips, and tricks. Dancers have to go through difficult and tiring practices to be able to carry out their performances. However, not only are these performances being judged, but they are competing against other dancers and teams. There is also technical scoring at competitions that judges use to determine a winner or loser, just like in any other sport.
According to the Oxford dictionary, the definition of a sport is “an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.” That is what dance is. Many do not take any notice of dancers being athletes and their abilities, even when their profession is much harder to develop and more emotionally, physically, and mentally demanding. Dance is an art and skill that takes years to develop and perfect. Dancers work extremely long hours polishing their work. Even though it is the dancer’s job to make their moves look as effortless as possible, it is physically demanding and stressful. With all the stress dancers put on themselves, it is very common for dancers to struggle with pulled muscles, injuries, and body image.
Dance is extremely challenging and requires the same, if not more, amount of coordination and athleticism as other sports. However, many don’t believe dance is a sport due to it not being included in most high schools and the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association). Although dance does not entail frequent games, dancers compete at competitions against other individuals and studios. Dancers go to their studios on a daily basis and compete in competitions. Outside of the studio and competitions, dancers are required to stay in tip-top shape and stretch to stay on top of things and prevent injuries. Dance doesn’t have a specific season either, it is a year-round activity.
Competitive dancing is not only a sport, but it is also an art. Expression, creativity, and musicality are what make a good dancer. There are also countless forms and styles when it comes to dancing: Jazz, tap, acro, broadway, ballet, hip-hop, lyrical, contemporary, ballroom, and so much more! According to, the definition of art is, “The quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance.” Dance is just that!
Dance fits every definition of a sport, because not only does it require skills, physical expertise, and competitiveness, but dance also requires constant determination and commitment. It also requires the same level of athleticism and coordination as other sports, if not more. Why shouldn’t it be considered a sport?