Get your work done!
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Whenever you think of procrastinating you may think of doing your work but suddenly getting easily distracted by things around you or having a certain amount of days to complete your assignments and you do it the night before they are due. But, there is more than what you may think about procrastinating and how many people actually do it on an everyday basis and also how there are habits in which you are able to break the habit of procrastinating.
Everyone is different in many ways and that is why there isn’t a main reason as to why people procrastinate. Some may procrastinate simply due to poor studying habits. Some may procrastinate because they have zero motivation to complete their assignments. And some may even procrastinate because they don’t want to spend their time doing homework and instead go and do other things that will take up their time. Most studies have shown that procrastination could possibly be linked to mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, and ADHD. Although mental illnesses are not the reason for procrastination, to some people, it could be the case for others.
Procrastinating could also cause one to view themselves negatively since their work is not getting done and it is slowly starting to pile up which in the end can cause the person to start stressing over the amount of time. The same stress could create a cycle of poor health. Having to do tasks that make one extremely anxious could be a reason why one procrastinates. These same people who feel anxious could also feel as if they have to do their tasks extremely perfectly.
Having a low energy level and no motivation could also be a reason why others procrastinate. Depression is very different for everyone and some may experience it the same but others could be completely different and have it more severe than others. Having bad habits from depression and procrastination will just allow a person to not get anything accomplished and may make them feel more overwhelmed and could also lead to more serious issues later on in life.
People with ADHD are normally super hyper and active, and they sometimes aren’t able to stay in one place for long periods of time. People with ADHD are also known for having difficulty paying attention and staying organized, and some even struggle with being very easily distracted. Those who struggle with both ADHD and procrastination create very bad habits. These habits are extremely hard for them to break especially when procrastination is also affecting their lives but there are ways for everyone to break their procrastination habits.
Procrastination is not easy to break especially if one has done it for a long period of time. There are habits that one can do to start slowly breaking the habit and cycle of procrastination. There are habits that may not help some in breaking their procrastination habits but these habits could possibly help others in starting to stop their procrastination. Removing distractions around you that take away from completing your tasks, setting small goals to complete tasks, focusing more on the tasks that are more important at the time, and focusing more attention on tasks are ways to help with procrastination and although they may seem hard for some who struggle with severe procrastination there are ways to figure out what could possibly work the best for those same people.
Procrastination happens to anyone in the world, everyone struggles with it but there are ways to break your habit of procrastinating and have things completed.