Suicide is a decision made when someone has nowhere to go or no help but there are many resources to help you. Suicide is one of the main causes of death around the world. AFSP says that there were over 49,000 suicides in the US alone in 2022, and there were over 1.6 million suicide attempts in 2022. People have suicidal thoughts and or commit suicide because of factors in their life that they think won’t get better.
There is a quote by Phil Donahue and he says “Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem”. Some people take the permanent solution instead of attempting to wait it out or get help. This is because not everyone has access to help or safer solutions, so what do they do? They will either suffer alone or go to people they trust such as friends. If you know someone who is struggling and they come to you, but you don’t know how to help, there are methods to learn. You can either give your friend the number for the suicide helpline and hope they get the help they need, or you can help them by listening to why they feel like this and ask how you can help. You can give them support and make them feel less alone and make sure they don’t have to walk through this alone. There are many signs to look out for when someone might be thinking about committing suicide. People who suffer from depression always seem tired and less energetic. But when they’ve made the decision to attempt suicide their mood will improve and they’ll become happier and that happens because they’ve come to peace with the fact that they won’t have live the life that they think is so insufferable anymore. But why would someone want to commit suicide in the first place? Well, there are many different factors such as bullying, a bad living situation, an abusive relationship, or a rough patch with money. There are a multitude of different factors that could cause someone to have bad thoughts. But just because someone is depressed or struggles with other mental issues, doesn’t mean they are less of a person. This can be significant in males as most of the suicides committed are by men. Men are looked down upon when they express their feelings because of the outdated, stereotypical traditions that men are supposed to deal with their problems by themselves and go on to provide for their families. With all this pressure on their shoulders to provide for their families, some men can crack and either go into a depressive state or look for ways to get rid of the pain such as alcohol or drugs, which in the end can cause more problems for them and their families. Most men go for these alternatives instead of getting therapy because talking about their feelings can make them seem/feel weak to other men. This can stem from toxic masculinity. But on the other hand, women are expected to go get help for their mental issues because they are so fragile and need the help, but sometimes they can’t get access to help. Some women can’t get access to help because, either they don’t have the time, they cannot afford therapy or simply, they don’t see the point in getting help. For both men and women, it can be easy for them to believe they can handle it themselves and don’t need the support. Then, there are kids and teenagers committing suicide, but why? Children and teens will have suicidal thoughts if they aren’t being supported by their family, or if they are being bullied, abused, or used by people. If kids have a hard childhood and live in a bad home situation, they will harbor a low self-esteem and will be more susceptible to bullying. Teens will commit suicide because some are being bullied or pressured into participating in activities they don’t want to do, or they could be in abusive relationships where the other person is forcing them into sexual activities and, or physically abusing them In the end, If you know someone who is struggling and they come to you, but you don’t know how to help, there are methods to learn. You can either give your friend the number for the suicide help line and hope they the help they need, or you can help them by listening to why they feel like this and ask how you can help. You can give them support and make them feel less alone and make sure they don’t have to walk through this alone. These people, no matter who they are or why they feel like this, need help, and if you know the signs and why someone might feel this way you can help them and help decrease the amount of suicides per year. |
Walk Them Out of the Darkness.
Depression is a place full of darkness, making it feel like there is no point to keep going. A person committing suicide can be compared to entering a black hole, once you go in, you cannot come out. With the recent spike of suicide cases, these people need help out of the darkness before it becomes too late.
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About the Contributor

Quinn Kaucky, Journalist
Quinn Kaucky is a freshman at Pahrump Valley High School who has had journalism in the past but she has more interests than just journalism and writing in general. Kaucky plans on graduating early, becoming a tattoo artist and moving out of Pahrump.