The Drama Club is an after-school program where students learn to act and use theater technology. They perform and practice in the auditorium after school and because they perform from 2:30 to 4:30, they have a small amount of time to practice on what they need to perform. Pahrump Valley High School has a Drama Club where others can enjoy their time acting as someone else and putting on a show for everyone to watch and enjoy. Although others may not be interested in seeing what the students have done, most people enjoy the shows the Drama Club kids create.
The director of the Drama Club, Dr. Audra Duvall, states, “Not everyone stays and it’s okay. Drama will take up all of your time and energy if you let it”. Duvall has loved teaching drama and being the director of the school’s Drama Club for several years. Duvall has many rules, such as understanding that theater has many superstitions that should be respected. Just because you don’t believe in something doesn’t mean you should disrespect it.
Talyn Blazon-Weesner is a student in the Drama Club. Blazon-Weesner is very passionate about the community and drama in general. Being in drama was a very strategic decision for Blazon-Weesner, as being in the club has enhanced her abilities in acting and performing. Drama Club has taught Blazon-Weesner valuable life skills and much more, like public speaking, creativity, and most importantly self-awareness. During practices, the Drama Club works as a team and gives each other feedback and the students avoid making hurtful or disrespectful comments to other classmates. Therefore, Blazon-Weesner shares, “It’s a privilege to be a part of such a dynamic and enriching community that celebrates the performing arts”.
Furthermore, Lyndon Steeno has a much different perspective on Drama Club. Since drama is Steeno’s passion, he joined the club to have something to do after school. During school, Steeno finds it difficult to balance both drama and school work despite still loving theater. Steeno believes that the environment in the Drama Club is different for everyone. In the classroom, it’s a safe, comfortable space. Although some may have a different perspective on the atmosphere of the theater. Steeno states, “It’s a heavy commitment. You have to practice for months and it’s hard to balance with school work”. The club overall taught Steeno to be patient and have a good work ethic.
To conclude, Drama Club is a very fun club for everyone who enjoys theater. Others might not like it enough to ponder on whether or not to join but still might enjoy watching what the Drama Club has taken so long to create. To watch a show or play can be very enjoyable, especially since the club has performed so many shows. Those who participate in the shows can get attached to those around them, growing special bonds and friendships, particularly during the last performances. Once the last show is over, most of the cast and crew will cry because of how attached they are to the people around them and how hard they all worked together to bloom an extraordinary show. Maybe one day, you will think about drama differently and join it. Hopefully, you watch a show and think about how long it took for them to make such an amazing play. With that being said, make sure to congratulate those in drama or the director for their amazing performances and contributions to the school.