Plenty of people really love reading. Students Shaianne Sparkman, Jocelyn Iniguez, Adrianna Curtin, Marianno Ayala, Madison Mendenhall, Abigail Alberto and Anoushla Domhom ended up making their very own club for reading. The founding members worked closely with their advisor, Mrs. Becky Thompson, to make the club happen. The club is held every other Friday, right after school in room 204.
Iniguez was actually the founder of the club and she claims that “I had this one friend that would always talk about the books she would read. thusI started thinking about it and I thought it would be a good idea to start a club”. Some of those people ended up deciding on naming the club “The Book Lovers”.
The club had a bit of issues in the beginning. Mrs. Thompson explained, “We had a hard time getting it all set up for the meet ups because they have other responsibilities like Key Club, so that’s how we ended up setting the meets on every other Friday after school”. As a result they ended up getting everything figured out and even ended up getting things arranged for the people in the club.Thus, the people with busy lives and other people could attend and get everything situated with the club.
The Book Lovers club isn’t only about reading either. “The girls would like to go and read to the kindergartners at local schools or seniors at a senior home” was stated by Mrs. Thompson. The club isn’t just sitting around reading books; the people in the club are trying to take it even further into doing other things along with trying to make the club even more enjoyable to not just the school but to younger people along with elders that love reading or getting read to as well. Sparkman even included that they get to drink hot cocoa, eat snacks, sing karaoke, or just sing around the room.
Most might think that being in a reading club might be a bit difficult as it could get too boring or something like that, but not at all. Mendenhall even stated that “It’s not the reading part that’s difficult, it’s just when people join late they have to catch up to the parts where the others in the group are at. It’s also difficult trying not to spoil the book for them since I’ve already read the book”. Therefore as long as you stay up to date with your reading or don’t mind getting the book spoiled for you by Mendenhall you shouldn’t have any difficulties in the club. If someone does end up joining the club and is scared about the people in the club as well they shouldn’t be. Iniguez stated that the group isn’t just a Book Club but a safe space for the others that have joined and generally makes her feel safe and able to be there without being scared of what’s going to happen in the club.
The Book Lovers club is full of kind and welcoming people and it’s such a fun space to learn about others and different books. If you love reading then go try out the Book Lovers club.