The first step to writing your first poem is simply just to understand what poetry is and why you’re writing it. A simple definition is using an arrangement of words to portray an idea or message. When it comes to poetry there aren’t many limits or guidelines you have to follow and there are so many types you can do instead of having to stick to one. There aren’t any reasons to write or not to write poetry because several people write for several different reasons. Some write to express emotions, cope with situations, or make sense of events in their lives while others write to describe a place they had admired, a food they had enjoyed, and just how fun life can be.
Knowing the different types of poetry can help when you’re just starting off so that when you’re starting to write you already know what type of pattern you’re going to follow. A very common type and probably the easiest is free verse poetry. Free verse poetry is the most open out of all the types. After all, you can write about any topic, and make the poem any length you want as long as it doesn’t have a consistent rhyme scheme or meter; then that makes it a free verse poem. Another very popular type of poetry is the Haiku. A Haiku consists of three lines, the first and third lines are made up of five syllables, and the second is made up of seven syllables. The Haiku usually tries to bring out a specific mood but it doesn’t have a set topic. “A World of Dew” by Kobayashi Issa is a great example of a Haiku, “A world of dew,/ And within every dewdrop/A world of struggle”. The acrostic is the type of poetry that I think is the most fun. The acrostic poem spells out a name, word, or phrase with the first letter of each line of the poem. You don’t have to rhyme at the ends or make it a specific length just however long your phrase, name, or word is.
Once you understand what a poem is, you’re going to pick a topic or idea to write about. The amount of options out there is limitless. You can choose anything like a specific hardship you’re currently going through or a more open topic like just a love poem that could be targeted to anyone. Sometimes people like to write down a couple emotions or ideas they want to shine just so they have a note on it and others pick a main topic and just let their ideas flow onto the page. At times when it feels like you have nothing to write about, think about times when you did something or when something happened that brought out overwhelming emotions. If you have a love for nature think about a waterfall you saw or the creek by your house and if you went through a breakup try writing about your emotions towards them. There will never be a time when there is absolutely nothing to write about.
When you have an understanding of what poetry you like and the topic you want to write about it’s time to turn it from an idea to an actual poem. Writing the first few words or lines is always the hardest part of writing a poem. If you are writing an acrostic then start with the first letters of each line which will be whatever you choose it to be and then fill out using those.
However, if you are writing a free verse or a Haiku then it’s a little more difficult to start than the acrostic because you don’t have a starting point set out for you to write off of. That’s why when people write down words they try to use the start to evoke a certain feeling or mood or give off the idea of what the poem will be about. That can help to start without having to spend too much time worrying about the first line because once you start writing it flows out and isn’t as hard.
When you have finished writing your poem it’s best to end with something that will leave a big impact and leave the reader thinking. Furthermore, all that’s left is to read it through, make some edits if necessary, and then you’re done. Now it’s your turn to make one, use this article to help, and don’t forget to have fun.