Pahrump Valley High School has its very own Civil Air Patrol squadron. Mrs. Amie Sitter Jones, a teacher at PVHS, is squadron commander of the Pahrump Valley Composite Squadron. This squadron was officially recognized as a squadron in December of 2024. The number of cadets has steadily increased since it was first introduced, and ideally, the number of cadets will increase due to how many people are interested in joining. The open house introduced those interested in joining to what it is like being in CAP. There is a lot of work that must go into participation, but there is also a lot of reward for the cadets’ dedication to achieving their goals.
An abundance of information was provided about the squadron, its cadets, and its leaders. Some cadets gave speeches about how CAP has affected them, the things they learned while being a cadet, and the bonds they formed while in the program. Many cadets in the program state that the bonds they have formed are some of the strongest bonds they’ve ever formed, and that is also the reason some people have stayed in the program due to the friendships and bonds they’ve formed.
Bonds are a very important part of CAP, so to build bonds and trust, they played a couple of games. One game involved one person volunteering to go through a field of “mines” with their eyes closed. The mines, of course, weren’t dangerous; they were just chairs, but the rest of the group was allotted a certain amount of time to think of a plan to guide the chosen person. After the time was up, the chosen person was guided back out, and the rest of the group guided them through the chairs. The other game that was played was slightly similar, but instead of the group, a cadet and a prospector were partnered up, and cadets were tasked with guiding the person they were partnered with through the field of chairs.
Although this program is fairly new to Pahrump, there are quite a few participants/cadets. In total, there are forty-one cadets currently, and with the open house, hopefully, more will join. The cadets who spoke of their experience thoroughly enjoyed being a cadet and participating in the program. There are many ranks in CAP. Currently, Cadet Major Lamping is the highest-ranking cadet in the Pahrump Valley Composite Squadron. He gave a speech about his experience with the program. One of Cadet Major Lamping’s favorite things about the Civil Air Patrol is “the diverse options for cadet growth”.
Those who attended the open house may have gone for several reasons. One attendee was Angel Martin. Martin states that she is interested in joining CAP because “It can be an interesting learning experience and you can learn core values”. Many people show interest in joining, and even those who are in the program state it is a very enjoyable and that is highly recommended.
CAP is a great program, and it is highly recommended to join if one hopes to improve leadership skills, form bonds with people, and become a more confident person. The open house opened the doors for people looking to join with all the information and experience given. Throughout the open house, the cadets there were extremely welcoming and polite; they were looking to help wherever they could. The open house was well structured and gave a good insight into what joining would be like. Although it would take a lot of work and dedication, the skills one gains from CAP are well worth the effort. Furthermore, a cadet would have support from those who have the experience to help them become accustomed to the program.
All in all, the open house was very informational and beneficial for those interested. Members spoke of their experience and reason for being a part of the program and staying part of CAP. Those interested were given the chance to learn about how the program operates and what is expected of them if they were to join. In addition, cadets and people interested were able to form a bond during the games and drills they participated in, which displays how important discipline and trust are. Before the open house was over, cadets and those attending the open house were able to mingle and build stronger bonds with each other and have questions answered.
If you are interested, reach out to Mrs. Amie Sitter Jones at [email protected] or a cadet to learn more about this amazing opportunity.