On February 5, 2025, Trump signed an executive order banning transgender women from competing in women’s sports. This caused much controversy, with people supporting his decision, and people showing negativity towards his decision. This decision has already caused 2 transgender women to sue President Trump. Trump stated that “The war on women’s sports is over”. Most people are split into two teams regarding Trump’s decision.
One side of this is the people who support his decision, the majority being men. A lot of men in this world believe that transgender women are still men and some believe that they are mentally ill. Some people believe that there are only two genders in this world and that you can’t change. Other people think the opposite, some people think people can change their gender and identify how they please.
Lia Thomas, arguably the most famous transgender athlete, won an NCAA Division 1 swimming Championship and has received much backlash. Many people think that the choice to have Lia Thomas compete in women’s sports is unfair; however, people think this because although Lia wants to be a woman, she has male genetics, since it is scientifically proven that men have stronger genes than women. Some women have less muscle mass, and men have stronger bones, tendons, and ligaments. Lia still has male genes, even if weakened by medications such as estrogen. You can’t just get rid of genes, so Lia can identify as a woman if she wants, but physically, she will always have male genetics.
Another athlete is Olympic runner Nikki Hiltz. Hiltz identifies as “non-binary”, meaning Hiltz doesn’t identify as a gender. Could this mean that they can compete in both men’s and women’s sports? Do they only compete in a one-gender sport? If they do, does this mean they are technically that gender? People aren’t sure how a non-binary person in sports would work, This especially infuriates the people who believe that there are two genders since “non-binary” isn’t a gender. In conclusion, this may be one of the most controversial decisions in history since more and more transgender people are coming out about their feelings towards the decision.