The United States has changed from supporting Ukraine in the war to working with Russia to end the war. There was a vote that had happened which, all summed up, was a vote for the withdrawal of Russian troops on Ukrainian land. According to Aljazeera, the United States along with 17 other countries have denied the withdrawal of Russian troops. Aljazeera has also stated that the reason they voted against the UNGA resolution was “advancing a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine.”
The United States has been supporting Ukraine for a while. Why did they decide to side with Russia? US Deputy Ambassador Dorothy Shea states, “Multiple UN resolutions in the past that have called for Russia to withdraw its troops have failed to stop the war” Shea has also said, “The war [between the two] dragged on for too long and harmed both Russia and Ukraine.” This and the fact that the United States has already said to make peace that will last clears speculation as to why the United States has said no to Russia withdrawing troops.
The U.S. wants peace to be everlasting between the two countries and not a short ceasefire. That is why the U.S. has met up with Russia in Saudi Arabia. They have agreed to work together to end the war in Ukraine as of right now. Secretary of State Marco Rubio said that both the U.S. and Russia have agreed to both bring peace in Ukraine and as well to explore, “the incredible opportunities that exist to partner with the Russians,” both geopolitically and economically. According to the New York Times Russian foreign minister Sergey V. Lavrov said, “We weren’t just listening to each other, but we heard each other.” We hope to see this devastating war finally end and to see everyone prosper in peace.