The Mysteries of Student Council

Veronica Dela Rosa, Journalist

  The mysteries of Student Council, we know we vote for them but what is their job? Well, this will show you what you voted for.

  Stu-Co is made up of people elected by their peers, and the student and teacher members help out our school and our community. Since these people need somewhere to meet, there is a class at room 217 during first period, for Stu-Co members and Mr. Williams is the Stu-Co advisor.

  Surprisingly enough, the members are graded in that class based off of what they have or haven’t participated, their community helping hours, or whether or not they dressed up for spirit days and spirit weeks (Maroon & Gold Fridays). They also get graded on after school decorating.

  Jayden Stebbins, the junior class president, said, “We are graded for a lot of things like committees, classes, sports liaisons, workshops, participation in spirit days and spirit weeks, etc.”

  Stu-Co members can also be a liaisons for a sport or several sports. They make posters about their team’s game or of the teammates, and buy snacks for their sports team away games.   

  They also advertise and hold the dances here, along with fundraisers, and so much more. Speaking of dances, did you know some of the dances have a precise grade, like Sophomores undertake Sadie Hawkins and Juniors complete Prom?

  Since Stu-Co holds the dances, they also make the decorations for the chosen theme. When Sadies was “Partners in Crime”, they painted famous duos for decoration, like Batman & Robin and Mickey & Minnie Mouse. During Homecoming the theme was Pixar so they made a lot of posters on Pixar movies: Cars, Ratatouille, Inside Out, and etc.

  However, there are some requirements to be in Stu-Co, such as GPA deadlines for certain positions, but the most important necessity is getting elected.

  According to Ms. Villa, a Stu-Co advisor for the sophomores, our Stu-Co currently has 34 members of all the grades, and Stu-Co’s can have up to 28-40 people. They also vote on what themes they want for the dances over their own group chats, and have after school meetings to decide things with their own class grade.

  There are also retreats, Zone, which is a yearly retreat and is held in Las Vegas, dedicated for Stu-Co’s across Nevada. On the retreat, there’s also workshops set up by the hosting Stu-Co. Workshops are educational lectures on how to study better, how to write an essay, or other needed knowledge for school.

  There are, however, opportunities for the members to have their own workshops, and that’s at the All Trojan Retreat. Stu-Co have their own groups, their own rooms, and even their own theme for what they’re doing.

  They buy food, beverages, and group bracelets, necklaces, bandanas, and etc., that match their theme. They’re also the leaders of their group, and also plan the games that their group plays.

  The Stu-Co here at PVHS does so much for our school, so now you know what they do here. So please support the members and be sure to thank them for their hard work.