Does Music Change Your Lifestyle?

Joey Tate, Journalist

   Have you ever wondered why you love listening to music? Well, when music enters your brain, it triggers pleasure centers that release dopamine, which in turn, makes you happy. Dopamine functions as both a hormone and a neurotransmitter in your brain and body. Other ways your body releases dopamine are by exercising, sleeping, and using supplements.  

   There is evidence that music can actually be good for your health. According to, researchers have discovered that bacteria-fighting cells strengthen your immune system and help against invaders in your body when you listen to music.  

   When you listen to music, it can sometimes change the way you perceive things. Let’s say someone has a somewhat neutral face, not really showing much emotion; they may look a bit happier or in a more merry mood to you. This happens because when you listen to happy music, you are able to detect more happy faces around you. Likewise for sad music, you are able to detect more sad faces when listening to it.

   Angelica Sanchez-Quintero, PVHS sophomore, said, “I think that any type of music could improve someone’s mood as long as it’s your favorite song.” Of course, happier music will affect your mood the most whereas sad music may make you feel the melancholy of a time or memory from the past. 

   Andrew Rocha, PVHS senior, said, “When I listen to music, I feel in a happier mood because it makes me feel more motivated to do my homework and do chores around my house. I think pop music would get you to move around more and actually do things that you normally wouldn’t do.”    

     Research on music and connections to the brain have proven that music can and will stimulate brain receptors and connect with other parts of the body, which in return makes someone more productive in many different ways. For example, your room needs to be cleaned and you don’t particularly feel like it, but then you listen to your favorite song and now your in a more lifted mood, so you decide to clean it after all.

   Evidence also indicates that music can do more than just make you happy, serving as a treatment for certain conditions such as Parkinson’s disease; this is called the Mozart Effect. Some experiments that involved the Mozart Effect include using music to reduce anxiety and aggression in Alzheimer’s patients. It’s also used for patients with Parkinson’s disease used music to help movement symptoms, speech, and overall mental health.   

   The Mozart Effect is the idea that listening to classical music like Mozart, improves the brain’s functions and possibly makes you more intelligent. Some teachers may use this in their classrooms, others may not.

   Music, overall, is just great to listen to, which is awesome since it can do all of these things including helping people with their conditions, help you be more productive, and generally make you happier throughout the day. If you have the chance to listen to music in a stressful mood, I would definitely recommend it.