Student workload: Too much, Too little or Just enough…
Currently, at Pahrump Valley High School, there are some students who argue that they are getting too much work. Teachers may argue that they feel the amount of work they are giving is fair.
Students at Pahrump Valley High School (PVHS) feel that the work they are getting assigned can be too much. Some teachers may argue that the work students receive is a fair amount. Many students may disagree, thinking that there are teachers who are inconsiderate about the work they assign students. Students feel that they get labeled as being lazy or unmotivated, but maybe it’s more than that.
Aiden McClard, a junior at PVHS feels that, “Some teachers don’t really know what happens after school, and they just kinda give work off for what they think is fair.“ McClard also stated that “Some kids maybe don’t have the time or resources to do their work, which can be a challenge.” Cat Sandoval, a sophomore at PVHS, agrees with McClard that there are teachers who are inconsiderate. Sandoval stated, “Some of us are athletes and we don’t really have time to do work depending on when our practices and games are. We can’t stay up all night to do our work and then the next day we have new classes.”
Emily Nielsen, an early childhood teacher and cheer coach at PVHS, states that “All of our work can only be done in the classroom because I’m in a small department. I feel like, at least in my department, because there isn’t that opportunity [to give so much work]. I don’t think there’s a ton of work given.”

Craig Rieger, a weight training teacher and wrestling, football, and track coach at PVHS, was asked if he hears about the work overload students receive here. Rieger stated that “I don’t hear that, but I’m around our student athletes and I don’t hear that from them.” Rieger feels that “Times are a little different, and students have a lot of things that can entertain themselves, but that’s life. You need to prioritize what’s important to you and you have to learn that as a student. We aren’t going to make everything easy. These kids are in high school.” McClard feels he can also do a better job with managing his time. He stated that “I know I can manage my time better, and knowing what I have to do and managing my schedule helps and that’s what everyone should do.”

Daniel Clasen, a teacher and coach at PVHS, states that “I hear about it all the time, I know that some students feel very overwhelmed when given assignments if they are too extensive.” Clasen was asked if he feels that the work he gives his students is a fair amount. He stated that “I think, for my students, I don’t give too much work. I think I give a decent amount. On average they get about 7-8 problems a day. I give plenty of class time for those to get done.”
Although students may feel the work they get is excessive, and at times too much to handle, they still find a way to get it done and manage their time. Teachers feel that the work they hand out is a fair amount and that students need to use time wisely in, and, outside of class.