“1, 2, 3 Trojans!” Cheer Returns for the Year.
Pahrump Valley High School’s girls’ cheer-leading squad is excited to be back in action for the new season.

With a new head coach, Ms. Gina Canepa, the girls’ are looking forward to an exciting season with a little bit of change. Some things that will be different for them is that they get the thrill of being able to travel to away games and to cheer on our football team. They had their first away game, last Friday the 26th in Las Vegas against Western High School. They have some new cheers and stunts that they have been working hard on at practice to perform to the audience.
All 10 of the varsity cheerleaders are looking forward to cheering on our varsity boys and keeping them motivated from the sidelines. Aside from cheering, the girls are eagerly waiting to take a team trip to Disneyland. Mariah Propps, a senior cheer captain stated “ I’m excited to go to Disneyland and be able to cheer in the parade, and have team bonding with the girls that are going.” The girls will be in Disneyland from November 10th-12th.