Getting to Know Ms. Farnsworth
She is a fun, new, energetic teacher at Pahrump Valley High School.

Jennifer Farnsworth is one of the younger teachers here at PVHS. She is 24 years old and started her teaching journey at our school a year ago. She’s always wanted to be a teacher since a young age. She studied at Dixie State University, now known as Utah Tech University. Her favorite memories from college were the fourth of July fireworks and concerts. She enjoyed exploring St. George and spending time with her friends. She switched her major twice in college and suggested that students have a plan because it takes time and money to accomplish goals. Patience is also a very important trait to have while figuring your future out because it’s not always going to be smooth sailing and there will be bumps in the road. The best piece of advice she can give students graduating is to “be responsible, but be sure to be honest with yourself and live your life in a way that you won’t have regrets.”

Ms. Farnsworth doesn’t have any kids, but she has a dog named Special who she loves and adores. Special is her prized possession, and she enjoys watching her play in the mud but hates cleaning her after. Her favorite colors are dark purple and orange. She loves to eat Cafe Rio, and her favorite meal there is the sweet pork burrito or a salad. You can find her enjoying some of her favorite hobbies which include reading, playing with yarn, and crafting with clay. Her favorite book is “The Legendary Inge” by Katie Stradling. She often enjoys traveling to St. George because it’s nearby and there is always something to do. It’s about 3 hours away and is a great spot for weekend getaways. Although she travels to St. George often, her dream vacation would be in Scotland because she’d love to go on a tour of the haunted castles and buy wool sweaters. Scotland is known for its myths and legends and they have multiple castles that are absolutely beautiful. She’s still working on her bucket list and has decided that backpacking across Europe is on her list. Backpacking through Europe would require extensive planning as it can take weeks and even months to accomplish it. Learning how to play the fiddle is something she hopes to accomplish as well. Personally, I’m not musically gifted but always hoped to learn how to play at least one musical instrument. Chuck Norris is her hero, he is known for being an actor and an American martial artist.

Her biggest achievement would be graduating from college and finishing school with no student debt. A lot of adults who are fresh out of college find themselves in debt and struggle to pay it off. Some people even take out loans to pay their debt off but then find themselves paying back loans. She’s learned that she can make commitments and can support herself financially by being debt free. In my opinion, that’s a huge underrated accomplishment at such a young age! Go, Ms. Farnsworth! I asked her what she would buy if she won the lottery and she stated “I would be entirely practical and buy a movie theater popcorn machine.” She likes to be moving, creating, and learning new things, or old. Improving her skills are important to her as an adult and teacher. These are also the ways she stays most motivated.
Her biggest pet peeve is when someone doesn’t close a cupboard door after opening it! I’m sure that’s a lot of people’s pet peeve, including mine. Her favorite movie is “Watch Out, We’re Mad” followed by her favorite show, “Psych”. It’s an American detective comedy-drama series that’s definitely binge-worthy. Her favorite song would be “We Didn’t Start the Fire” by Billy Joel, an oldie but a goodie. Her favorite band is Gaelic Storm; they have popular songs listened to by billions of people. A childhood memory she has was when “my family was having a picnic and the ice-cream truck came around playing its distorted tunes and my brother’s dog, who was on a long leash, did not appreciate the ice-cream truck or our picnic. The dog took off full speed and the leash caught around the legs of one of the tables causing it to flip.” Farnsworth has ten siblings and they were all raised by the same parents. She is child number nine of eleven.
She’s learned a lot during her first year of teaching at PVHS as she’s run into a lot of unexpected and new situations. Some days are challenging for her, but it’s been worth it. She enjoys interacting with her students and forming relationships with them. She laughs more than ever around her students and appreciates their knowledge and how we view the world. It makes her feel old and young at the same time. She feels accomplished this year and is looking forward to next year and the good and bad she may face. We appreciate all that you do for your students, Ms. Farnsworth.